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Spinoza in His Time and Ours
October 27, 2008 - 6:15 pm, Columbia University
Heyman Center for the Humanities
It's hard to say exactly when the full frontal Spinoza revival began, exactly, but whenever it was, it certainly shows no signs of abating. Verso's recent republishing of Etienne Balibar's study, is just the latest in what has become a deluge of Spinoza studies, both popular and more esoteric. In addition to Balibar, Negri, Deleuze and Macherey have all published studies on the man. Perhaps the relative success of these thinkers attempts to turn Baruch into a proto-Marxist will be gauged this Monday, when Susan James and Jonathan Israel will examine the continuing applicability of Spinoza's ideas, with special emphasis on the political. The lecture is free.